
Question 4

❔ A phone number, such as (212) 767-8900, can be thought of as having three parts: the area code (212), the exchange (767), and the number (8900).

Write a C++ program that uses a structure to store these three parts of a phone number separately. Call the structure phone. Create two structure variables of type phone. Initialize one, and have the user input a number for the other one. Then display both numbers.

The interchange might look like this:

Enter your area code, exchange, and number: 415 555 1212

My number is (212) 767-8900

Your number is (415) 555-1212


#include <iostream>

struct Phone {
    short unsigned int area;
    short unsigned int exchange;
    short unsigned int number;

    void fix()
        area *= (area < 999) - (area > 999);
        exchange *= (exchange < 999) - (exchange > 999);
        number *= (number < 9999) - (number > 9999);

    bool isValid() const
        return area < 999 && exchange < 999 &&  number < 9999 &&
                area > 100 && exchange > 100 && number > 1000;

int main() {
    Phone myNumber{100, 200, 1234};
    Phone yourNumber{};

    std::cout << "Enter your area code, exchange, and number :";
    std::cin >> yourNumber.area >> yourNumber.exchange >> yourNumber.number;


        return std::cout << "Invalid number", 1;

    std::cout << "My Number : ";
    std::cout << "(" << myNumber.area << ") " << myNumber.exchange << "-" << myNumber.number << "\n";

    std::cout << "Your Number : ";
    std::cout << "(" << yourNumber.area << ") " << yourNumber.exchange << "-" << yourNumber.number << "\n";

    return 0;


 1.  Start
 2.  Declare a structure Phone with 
	 2.1 data members area,exchange,number
	2.2 function fix change all negative numbers to positive
	2.3 function is_valid checks the validity of number return true if valid else return false
 3. create an object of Phone with default values (myNumber) and one empty object (yourNumber)
 4.  read values to yourNumber
 5. yourNumber.fix()
 6. if yourNumber is not valid then print phone_number is not valid
 7. else print myNumber , yourNumber
 8. stop


Enter your area code, exchange, and number :314 273 2997
My Number : (100) 200-1234
Your Number : (314) 273-2997

Process finished with exit code 0

phone number structure

Question 5

❔ Define a class Date that contains details like year, month and date. Write a C++ program to check the validity of the date that you enter and display the next date.


#include <iostream>

class Date {
    int year = 0;
    int month = 0;
    int day = 0;

    static bool isLeap(int year) {
        return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0;


    constexpr static const int max_days[13] = {-1, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

    Date(int day, int month, int year) {
        this->year = year;
        this->month = month;
        this->day = day;

    Date() = default;

    const char *isValid() const {
        return (this->year > 0 && this->month > 0 && this->day > 0 &&
                this->month < 13 && this->day <= (max_days[this->month] + (this->month == 2 && isLeap(this->year)))) ?
               "Valid" : "Not Valid";

    Date next() {
        if (this->day >= (max_days[this->month] + (this->month == 2 && isLeap(this->year)))) {
            this->month = (this->month + 1) % 12;
            this->day = 1;
            this->year += this->month == 1;
        } else

        return *this;

    void print() const {
        std::cout << this->day << "/ " << this->month << "/ " << this->year << std::endl << std::endl;

    void read() {
        std::cin >> this->day >> this->month >> this->year;

int main() {
    Date date1 = Date(31, 12, 2020);
    Date date2 = Date();

    std::cout << "Enter a date :";

    std::cout << "Date 1 : " << date1.isValid() << " ";
    std::cout << " Next Date : ";

    std::cout << "Date 2 : " << date2.isValid() << " ";
    std::cout << " Next Date : ";

    return 0;


	1.1:Define a function leapyear() to check whether the year is leap year or not. 
2.Define a class named Date with members day,month and year and methods input ,validator and display. 
3.Read the day,month and year from user using input method with the object created. 
4.Invok the display method and the display method works as, 
	4.1. Call the validator method 
	4.1.1. check the month is valid , if not return false 
	4.1.2.Check the day is valid , if not return false 
	4.1.3.For month is equal to 2 , check whether the year is leap year or not. If it is a leap year check whether the date is less than or equal to 29, if not 		  ,return false. 
	4.1.4.If it is not leap yar check whether the day is less than  
	      or equal to 28, if not return false. 
	4.1.5.for month equal to 4,6,9 and 11 check whether the  
	      day is less or equal to 30 , if not return false. 
	4.1.6. all the conditions are statisfied return true. 
5. Store the return value of validator method in a local variable called  
6.For printing next date, 
	6.1.If the month is 2,check whether the year is leap year or not , if it is leap year then chek the day is equal to 29 or not , if it is 29 change the  value 		  of day to 1 and increment month by 1.if not increment day by 1. 
	6.2.If it is not leap year ,then chek the day is equal to 28 or not , if it is 28 change the value 
	    of day to 1 and increment month by 1.if not increment day by 1. 
	6.3.If month is equal to 4,6,9 and 11 and day =30then change the value of day=1  and increment the value of month by 1 .else increment 
             day by one . 
	6.4.If month equal to 12 and date =31 then change the value of day and  month to 1 and increment year by and .else increment 
             date by one . 
	6.5.else , if day =31, change the value of day to 1 and increment value of  month by one and print the date.else increment 
            date by one 
7.According to value of result variable print the output.If it is true then print  valid and the new date updated by step 6.else print not valid. 


Enter a date :28 2 2021
Date 1 : 31/ 12/ 2020 Valid
 Next Date : 1/ 1/ 2021

Date 2 : 28/ 2/ 2021 Valid
 Next Date : 1/ 3/ 2021

Process finished with exit code 0

date output

Question 6

❔ Define a class to represent bank account. Include members like name of depositor, account no, Type of account, balance amount in the account. Write C++ program with member functions to: 1) Assign initial values 2) To deposit an account 3) To withdraw an amount after checking the balance 4) To display name and balance


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

class Account {
    std::string name;
    long int number{};
    float balance{};
    std::string type;

    void init() {
        std::cout << "Enter name :";
        std::cin >> name;

        std::cout << "Enter Account Number :";
        std::cin >> number;

        std::cout << "Enter Balance :";
        std::cin >> balance;

        std::cout << "Enter Account Type :";
        std::cin >> type;

    void deposit() {
        std::cout << "Enter amount deposit" << std::endl;
        float amount;
        std::cin >> amount;

        this->balance += amount;

    void withdraw() {
        std::cout << "Enter amount to withdraw. ( Current balance: " << this->balance << " )" << std::endl;
        float amount;

        std::cin >> amount;

        if (this->balance - amount < 500)
            std::cout << "In sufficient balance" << std::endl;
            this->balance -= amount;


    void print() {
        std::cout << "Account Holder\t" << name << std::endl << "Balance\t" << balance << std::endl;


void highlight_option(int index, char options[][16], int items) {
    std::cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H" << std::flush;
    std::cout << "Press Enter to select any other key to exit." << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < items; i++)
        if (i == index)
            std::cout << "(#) " << options[i] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "( ) " << options[i] << std::endl;

int handle_key() {
    unsigned char ch = _getch();

    if (ch == 224)
        return _getch() == 72 ? -1 : 1;

    return ch == 13 ? 0 : 2;

int get_choice(char menu_options[][16], int items = 4) {
    int menu_index = 0;

    while (true) {
        highlight_option(menu_index, menu_options, items);
        int action = handle_key();

        if (!action)
        if (action > 1)
            return items + 1;

        menu_index = (menu_index + action) % items;

    return menu_index;

int main() {
    char menu_options[][16] = {
            "Create Account",
            "Show My Details",

    int items = 5;
    int choice = 0;

    Account account;

    while (choice < items) {
        choice = get_choice(menu_options, items);
        switch (choice) {
            case 0:
            case 1: {
            case 2:
            case 3:
                return 0;

    return 0;


1 Start 
2 Create a class bank account 
	2.1 Declare two string variables name and account type, a long int account no,  a long int balance 
3 Define a function assign() to input the account details 
4 Define a function to perform deposit transaction  
	4.1 Input the amount to be deposited 
	4.2 Display the final balance 
5 Define a function to perform withdraw details 
	5.1 if entered amount is higher than account balance display not enough balance 5.2 Display the remaining balance after reducing the withdrawal amount 6 Define a function to display account balance and depositor’s name 
7 In the main function declare an object of class bank account and an int choice 
	7.1 Use a while loop until choice is less than 4 
	7.2 inside that loop ask the user’s choice to perform which transaction 
	7.3 Use a switch case to perform different tasks according to user’s choice by Calling the respective functions using the object created  
	7.4 if choice is 4 then exit 
8 Stop


Enter name :Rohit
Enter Account Number :123456789
Enter Balance :2000
Enter Account Type :SB
Enter Deposit :1500
Enter Withdraw :3000
Withdraw Success
Account Holder  Rohit
Balance 500

Process finished with exit code 0

max prime

Question 7

❔ Write a class which represents the shape triangle. The member functions should : 1) Check the validity of the triangle 2) display the sides 3) find the area and display it.


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

class Triangle {
    float a{}, b{}, c{};

    Triangle() = default;

    bool isValid() const {
        return (a + b > c) && (a + c > b) && (b + c > a) && a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0;

    float getArea() const
        float s = (a + b + c) / 2;
        return sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));

    void print() const
        std::cout << "Side-1 : " << a << "\tSide-2 : " << b << "\tSide-3 :" << c << std::endl;

    friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Triangle &triangle) {
        is >> triangle.a >> triangle.b >> triangle.c;
        return is;

int main()
    Triangle triangle = Triangle();

    std::cout << "Enter sides of the triangle";
    std::cin >> triangle;


        std::cout << "Invalid Triangle";
        std::cout << "Valid Triangle with area = " << triangle.getArea();

    return 0;



Enter sides of the triangle3 4 5
Side-1 : 3   Side-2 : 4      Side-3 :5
Valid Triangle with area = 6
Process finished with exit code 0

max prime